Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Maker Mobile

We had a Maker Mobile workshop today.  Students were busy learning how to code using Scratch Jr.  Ask them to tell you about what their cat was able to do!

Grade One Scientists

We have been exploring the properties of different materials.  We started by looking at which materials absorb and repel water.  We are continuing to discuss how these properties help determine the best uses for different materials.

Fiction vs Non-Fiction Texts

The grade ones have been busy little librarians sorting through our classroom library.  They have been learning the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts.  We have now sorted our new books to make them easier to find.  Students also used Scholastics to show what they learned.

Addition Strategies

The grade ones have been exploring different strategies that can be used when adding.  Students have been using counters, part part whole mats, cubes, number lines and drawing pictures to help solve different addition questions.  We will be learning to apply these strategies when solving addition problems. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Homework Changes

Our new homework was sent home tonight (Wednesday).  Starting this week, students will have one page of word wall work and a second page of math homework to practise concepts being covered in class.  Please note, our agendas are filled with some great resources (i.e. a hundreds chart) that the students can use if needed at home.

Grade 1 Musicians

In December, the grade ones had the opportunity to take part in an AMAZING drumming workshop with Leo Brooks.

We have been continuing to deepen our understanding of beat and rhythm using Children's song and Boomwhackers.  Students have been busy practising and performing the beat and rhythm of their song.